With this cost-effective Manumed examination and treatment couch you can treat anywhere, even without a power source. Because the ManumedST quality couch is available in an electric and hydraulic version.
With the hydraulic version you don’t need a socket! Thismeans you can conduct examinations and provide treatment anywhere, with easy height adjustment. The easyto-operatefoot pedal allows you to adjust the height effortlessly. If you do have access to sockets, the electricversion provides complete ease of use. A simple presson the button (or use of the easy all-round operation)adjusts the height effortlessly.
Whichever version you choose, the Manumed ST is aquality couch with a stable, quality frame and fitted withhigh quality upholstery. Thanks to the geometry of theframe, there is also plenty of legroom under the couch,making seated treatment very comfortable for the specialist.With the optional wheel-raise mechanism the couchcan be moved easily and quickly. The Manumed ST is theideal Manumed at a very attractive price.