The CONFORMat™ system provides accurate, real-time information on pressure distribution and Center of Force (CoF) trajectory that helps providers develop optimal seating and positioning system for each individual patient. The unique, truly flexible design makes the CONFORMat the most advanced pressure mapping system available for seat and back analysis.
Why use pressure mapping?
- Validate cushion selection
- Identify unseen asymmetries
- Improve custom seating designs
- Provide clear visual feedback to patients
- Optimize seating to eliminate the risk of pressure ulcers
- Conformable sensor technology ensures accurate, repeatablepressure mapping measurements
CONFORMat™ System Connection Options
- CONFORMat Wireless: Data is transmitted directly from the subject to the computer, allowing for a wide range of applications.
- CONFORMAT Datalogger: The datalogger function allows recordings to be stored on the unit and uploaded at a later date.
- CONFORMat Tethered: Wires connect the sensor and scanning electronics on the subject to the computer via USB port.